Top 10 WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins for Your Store in 2021


Top 10 WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins for Your Store in 2021

Published on:

May 10, 2021

Written by:

Bijal Shah

Do you run an eCommerce business? Which platform do you use for your website? If your answer is WooCommerce, you are definitely on the right page.

This blog will let you know one of the prettiest hacks to increase your online sale. Want to know how? Check out this informational blog.

WordPress has a highly decorated platform, WooCommerce, which is best known for its eCommerce activities. It has an extensive plugin directory for it. Among them, when you surf any eCommerce website, you must see an icon pointing on your website named Wishlist.

A wishlist is a segment where people can save the products they have liked and want to purchase in the future. This wishlist can even be shared with the near and dear ones to show customised rich collections. This feature is added to the eCommerce store using WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin.

Plugin: In WordPress Dictionary

The plugin is an extended feature that increases the functionality of the websites. There are almost 60000 plugins in the directory of WordPress. These all depend on the requirement of your website.

For instance, if you want to attract more customers or build a timeless relation with your existing customers, you may install WooCommerce PDF vouchers to provide redeemable online vouchers to them. Likewise, there are many other valuable plugins available in free+premium versions of plugins for a WooCommerce website.

Why do you need a Wishlist for your eCommerce website?

Many times, people do surely visit your website for purchase. These will increase your website’s traffic. But though a prime visitor ends up its search without creating sales. This is because they don’t eventually go up to the products they have liked or wanted to save for the future. This makes a drawback for the store to lose their interested customer.

Popping your Best Woocommerce Wishlist Plugin to your online store will allow your customers ease of purchase flexibly. This will also let the seller know the demand for a particular product among his customers.

WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins

There are numerous WooCommerce wishlist plugins available in the free+premium version. Some of them are listed in this blog. They are chosen exclusively by the team after thorough research and analysis. To cover almost every eCommerce website wishlist requirement, the list of the top 10 Best WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins is listed for you.

What to see in Best WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin?

  1. It should create multiple wishlist pages.
  2. It should have privacy settings and access.
  3. Easy redirecting to the cart items.
  4. Future price drop or discount notification added to the product in Wishlist.
  5. Easily manageable options for wishlist pages to add or delete any product.

Let’s move to the Best WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins:

1. Jumble- WooCommerce/WordPress/Wishlist Collection and Bookmark Plugin

It permits the purchaser to save/share/recommend his/her collection. It has the unique feature of adding any customized post or page to the Wishlist. Also, several wishlist pages can be created at once. Those can be added or removed multiple times, thus creating a manageable environment.

Basic Features:

  1. Add/remove items from the wishlist feature
  2. Allow admin panel to make changes to your wishlist
  3. Available button customization
  4. Can make your wishlist private/public
  5. Can create unlimited pages to wishlist

Premium Features:

  1. Can create unlimited Wishlist
  2. Can make one or more Wishlist private
  3. Observe user wishlist to understand their needs
  4. It can add to the cart some or every item from the Wishlist
  5. Disable wishlist option for guest users
  6. Disable add to wishlist feature of users role wise
  7. Stunning theme design

It is available at the most affordable price based upon your license terminal.

2. Docket-WooCommerce Watchlist/Wishlist Plugin

Docket Wishlist

This allows the customers to remember and organize their favorite products and put them into one place. Docket has achieved the position as the Best WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin.

It is compatible with various other WordPress Plugins like WPML, Yoast SEO, BuddyPress, etc.

Basic Feature:

  1. Button customization option available
  2. Allow admin panel customisation features
  3. Make your wishlist private/public
  4. Add/remove items from your wishlist
  5. Allow to choose your button position.

Premium Features:

  1. Create unlimited collection
  2. Sorting collection items
  3. Allow searching user’s collection
  4. Allow sorting user’s collection
  5. Observe users collections to understand their needs
  6. Add to cart some or all products
  7. Disable collection features for its unlogged users
  8. Disable add to collection feature of user role wise
  9. Manage collection
  10. Stunning design
  11. Make Private collection
  12. Featured collection

3. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

Yith Wishlist

This is the most popular WooCommerce Wishlist plugin. It is the most powerful one, enabling the buyer to choose and create the list of the products and even share them to attract other interested buyers.

Basic Features:

  1. Can select a page for your Wishlist
  2. Can choose where to show your ‘Add your wishlist’ button.
  3. Can remove the product while surfing when it’s already on the Wishlist.
  4. Customizable columns in the wishlist panels.
  5. It supports product variations like color and size and adds them to your Wishlist.

Premium features:

  1. Allow the number of wishlist creations
  2. Allow personalized emails to be sent to wishlist creators
  3. Can add customized product request or any special note while buying the product
  4. Show wishlists of all logged-in customers
  5. Can ask for product estimation
  6. Allow product quantity to be adjustable
  7. Show product price variations.

4. Wishlist for WooCommerce

Wishlist for WooCommerce

This plugin is also popular among WordPress wishlist plugins. It will allow you to create and edit the wishlist. It is compatible with other plugins and tools also.

Here are some of its basic features:

  1. Add or remove options available
  2. You can add products as unlogged users
  3. Minimalistic design
  4. Choose the button position available
  5. Sharing on social media and email

For the premium version, the features are:

  1. Compatible with other cache plugins
  2. It can have stock alerts
  3. It allows the admin panel to see the Wishlist of users
  4. Enables you to choose social icon colors
  5. You can style your notifications
  6. Save product attributes on Wishlist
  7. It can display images in emails
  8. Allow the admin to see the frequency of the product added in the same wishlist

5. WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce

WPC wishlist

Saving a lot of time for the customers and providing them flexibility is what these plugins do. This is the most brilliant plugin due to the variety of its features. This will enhance your purchase besides increasing the traffic.

Here are the basic features:

  1. Allows you to choose your wishlist type- link or button
  2. Provides unlimited color option for your button
  3. Allows you to edit your wishlist text
  4. Enabling option to share your wishlist link.
  5. Brilliant display for your product title, price, and date.
  6. Choose categories that will allow the wishlist button
  7. Easily compatible with WPML for multilingual options
  8. Disabling auto-delete feature from the Wishlist
  9. Easy purchase flow.

It is even available in a premium version with the following features:

  1. Allow you to choose a menu to add to the wishlist menu
  2. Allow you to select an action triggered by the wishlist menu
  3. Lifetime update and dedicated support
  4. Allow multiple customization options to make it compatible with other themes and plugins.

6. TI WooCommerce Wishlist

Ti Wishlist

This plugin can convert your local site visitors to loyal customers. Because of the Wishlist, a customer can stick to the purchase and engage more towards various products. Customers can view, manage and share their websites.

Some of the basic features of this highest rated plugin are:

  1. It has the fully customizable appearance
  2. Can add or remove products from the Wishlist
  3. Fully customizable button
  4. Can have a shortcut key to place the button anywhere on the screen
  5. Redirect to the wishlist page after adding products to the list
  6. It is cache friendly
  7. Enable sharing options on social media platforms

The premium feature includes:

  1. You can follow the Wishlist
  2. Can send promotional personalize feature to it
  3. Can add multiple wishlist page
  4. Product analytics for admin
  5. Ask for an estimate feature
  6. Translation ready feature and WPML support

7. Premmerce WooCommerce Wishlist

Premmerce wishlist

A wishlist is a feature that will permit your clients to pick items for future buys and to impart their desires to close individuals. Utilizing lists of things to get you can audit clients’ desires and make fair offers and advancements dependent on gathered data.

Basic features:

  1. Making your Wishlist
  2. The likelihood to share a wishlist utilizing the URL
  3. The possibility to audit clients’ Wishlist in the dashboard
  4. Showing a widget with Wishlist

Premium features:

  1. Supported by other plugins like WooCommerce
  2. It is translation ready
  3. Supported by WPML
  4. Supported by WooCommerce Multilingual

8. WooCommerce Wishlist by Pick PluginsWishlist by pick plugins

This is the essential tool for WooCommerce. Wishlists can help in increasing the loyal purchasers. You can even create or share your personalized Wishlist with your friends or keep it private.

Basic features:

  1. Unlimited wishlist creation
  2. Enable public/private Wishlist
  3. Any post type support
  4. Ready for WooCommerce
  5. Can manage Wishlist
  6. Can create Wishlist Archive

Premium features:

  1. Search filter for Wishlist
  2. You can duplicate a wishlist
  3. Wishlist editing feature
  4. Customized font and size of the button
  5. Can see the wishlist view count
  6. Wishlist upvote or downvote option

9. Wishlist for WooCommerce by WebToffee

wishlist by webtofee

Ecommerce business storekeepers can investigate the adequacy of their general showcasing endeavors by following which things end up in the client’s wishlists. This way, they can recognize the latest items and improve their exchanging strategies without much of a stretch.

Clients can save significant time by adding their ideal items to the Wishlist and buying them sometime in the future.

Basic features:

  1. Tried OK with WooCommerce 5.2.2.
  2. Make a committed ‘My Wishlist’ Page or browse existing pages to show the Wishlist.
  3. Pick the catch position for the Wishlist on the shop page.
  4. Allow the clients to add items to the Wishlist from the item page or potentially shop page.
  5. Allow the clients to deal with the Wishlist from the ‘My Account’ Page.
  6. Supports Text/Icon/Default subject style catches for wishlist.

10. TM WooCommerce Compare and Wishlist

TM Woocommerce

WooCompare permits you to analyze items dependent on item properties. Add the ideal items to the item examination page by clicking the “Add to compare” button on the item or item list pages. WooCompare likewise incorporates a widget that allows you to yield the items added to the correlation list. Utilizing this widget, you can also erase the items from the examination list, void the correlation list, or go to the item comparison page.

Woocompare features:

  1. Show/hide the comparison feature
  2. Select a page where the comparison is shown
  3. Choose when to see ‘Add to compare’ button
  4. Enable or disable the “Add to compare” control on an item page
  5. Set the content for the catch that adds items to the examination page
  6. Choose/edit text for the catch that erases an item from the examination page
  7. Select which text to yield when the item comparison page is unfilled

WooWishlist features:

  1. Enable and Disable the Wishlist.
  2. Select the page to show the Wishlist.
  3. Add a wishlist button to the item inventory page.
  4. Add the wishlist button to the single item page.
  5. Set the “add to wishlist” button text when the item isn’t in the list of things to get.
  6. Set the “added wishlist” button text when the item has been added to the list of things to get.
  7. Set the “empty wishlist” text when there are no items in the list of things to get.

Comparison Summary of WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins

Features Jumble Docket YITH WooCommerce Wishlist WooCommerce Wishlist by Pick Plugins Wishlist for WooCommerce
Product wishlisting
Public and private wishlist
Guest wishlist
Unlimited wishlist
Bulk Add to cart
Custom terminology
Custom buttons
Custom CSS
CPT support
Share on social media
User Wishlist search
Observer user wishlist
User role restriction
Featured wishlist
Custom layouts
Shortcode support
Works without WooCommerce
Drag n drop
Ask for estimate
PDF version of wishlist
Promotional emails

How will you install a plugin?

Installing Free Plugin: TM WooCompare and WooCommerce Wishlist

Installing a plugin is a great necessity nowadays. However, premium wishlist plugins cannot be directly added to the site.

Here are the following steps to install a Free WordPress Plugin:

  1. Step 1: Download the zip files of your plugin.
  2. Step 2: Go to the admin panel, click the ‘Add new’ tab following the plugin option, and click upload plugin.
  3. Step 3: This will open up the ‘choose file’ option to upload the zip file of your plugin.
  4. Step 4: Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Step 5: Activate your plugin using the plugin activation list to start.

Manual Plugin Installation: Jumble WooCommerce/Wishlist

When your hosting provider does not allow you to install any plugin directly from the director, you can manually setup your plugin in the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Download the plugin source zip files
  2. Step 2: Extract your zip folder and upload it to your website using an FTP client like FileZilla
  3. Step 3: Collect your FTP username and password from your hosting provider and access through the FTP manager
  4. Step 4: Connect your FTP client to your website using the credentials
  5. Step 5: Access /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your website
  6. Step 6 Upload the zip folder to /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your web server.
  7. Step 7: Visit the WordPress Admin area following the plugins section to see your plugin addition
  8. Step 8: Activate the plugin using the plugin activation link to start the plugin
  9. Step 9: Configure your plugin settings as it gets installed with WordPress default settings.

Final Thoughts

WooCommerce Wishlist plugins are indeed proved to be an essential feature to set up your eCommerce store. WooCommerce Wishlist will transform your regular visitors into loyal customers. These 10 WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins are the best picked by us to guide you through the best Wishlist plugins. Installing the plugin is a trivial yet straightforward task. Follow the steps properly to install your plugin into your website perfectly. If you need any assistance in customizing any of these Wishlist Plugins or have any ideas for any sort of Plugin development we’re just a shout away ! Get your plugin expert at your doorstep!


Author : Bijal Shah

This is Bijal Shah, Owner of WP plugin experts - A #1 independent WordPress/WooCommerce plugin selling company, delivering various industry-led plugin solutions in WordPress and WooCommerce domains leveraging futuristic technologies.

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